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Moth (Drain) Fly Phorid Fly

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Moth (Drain) Fly Family Psychodidae


Medium-sized flies up to 1/4-inch in length.


Most species are black, a few may be brown; body and wings covered with hairs making fly resemble a small moth.


Moth flies are associated most often with drains which is where the nickname, drain flies, originates. They are common inhabitants of sewage treatment facilities where they are known as sewage flies. Buildings located near sewage treatment facilities may experience regular infestations of flies flying from such facilities. The moth fly remembers a tiny moth in appearance and is a poor flier. It prefers dark areas and is commonly seen resting on walls near areas where it breeds. In commercial buildings, they are often seen in restrooms, mop closets, and boiler rooms, but they may appear in any area where water and organic matter may accumulate.