Deer Mouse House Mouse
Norway Rat Pack Rat
Roof Rat Vole
White-footed Mouse  

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House Mouse Mus domesticus


Small, its body rarely exceeding two inches long and one ounce in weight.


Usually gray in color, but some may appear darker.


Few people really like rats or mice, and no one wants them in their house. Rodents live everywhere outside and could enter at any time, but fortunately, this does not occur often. Usually, most home invasions occur in the fall, not because of cooler weather, but because the seeds and plants on which rodents feed outside are gone. Rats and mice must then seek new food sources. Unfortunately, one of these sources may be your home. Mice are excellent climbers and are capable of gaining entry through holes around soffit vents and around cables entering the building, through holes in gable vent screens, and through turbine and box vents on roofs. Most garage doors on homes allow enough space for mice to fit underneath, as well.