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Clover Mite Bryobia praetiosa


Clover mites are tiny, the adults being smaller than the head of a pin.


The larve of the clover mite, freshly emerged from eggs, are bright red. The older stages and the adults are darker reddish brown.


Clover mites feed on plant fluids, such as grass, and are common outdoors around most buildings. During the fall, however, the mites may crawl onto building foundations in large numbers and deposit eggs within cracks found in the building exterior. In the spring, the tiny red larvae hatch and may crawl up the foundation and through cracks around windows and in walls and then into the building. Dozens, sometimes hundreds, of these mites then may be seen on window sills, curtains, and on walls. When smashed, a red stain may result that may be difficult to remove from fabrics. Inside, the mites cannot find food and will soon die. These mites do not bite people or pets.