Termite Swarmer or Winged Ant?
Termite Swarmer or Winged Ant?
How to Tell the Difference Between Termite Swarmers and Winged Ants
- Elbowed antennae
- Narrow (pinched) waistline
- Two pairs of wings - front wings much longer
- Straight, beaded antennae
- Broad waistline
- Two pairs of wings - equal in size
What To Do If You Experience a Swarm
- Close off the room in which the insects are swarming.
- Collect a few to show your inspector.
- Use a vacuum cleaner to remove insects after they have swarmed.
- If possible, note the exact locations from which the swarmers are emerging.
Facts About The Termite Swarming Process
- A "swarm" is a dispersal flight of winged termites to start new colonies.
- Subterranean termites typically swarm in the spring on warm, calm, sunny days following rain.
- Subterranean termite swarms usually occur between mid-morning and mid-afternoon and may last several hours.
- Drywood termites and Formosan termites swarm during the evening around or just after dusk.
- Termites swarming indoors will attempt to get outside by flying toward light around windows and doors or even toward lights that are on in the room.
- Swarmers shed their wings after flight, as they will never fly again.
- After shedding their wings, the termites mate, then seek out sites to begin new colonies.
- Wood in contact with moist soil is a suitable colony site for subterranean termites.
- Interior swarms of subterranean termites will not reinfest the structure or its contents.
- A recent termite treatment may not prevent swarming, as the swarmers may have already moved above the treatment zone in the soil when the application was performed.
Winged Ant Swarming Facts
- Like termite colonies, mature ant colonies produce winged reproductives called swarmers that fly out to start new colonies.
- Most ant species swarm in mid- to late spring or summer.
- An ant colony will typically be at least two to three years old before it produces swarmers.
- Fire ants may swarm six or seven times over the course of the spring and summer.
- Pavement ants produce small swarms that may emerge daily or every few days over a period of several weeks.
If you suspect that termites or ants have infested your home, call Terminix at 1-800-TERMINIX right away.