American Cockroach Asian Cockroach
Australian Cockroach Brown Banded Cockroach
Cuban Cockroach Florida Woods Cockroach
German Cockroach Oriental Cockroach
Smoky Brown Cockroach Surinam Cockroach
Woods Cockroach - Female Woods Cockroach - Male

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Asian Cockroach Blatella asahinai


Adults measure about 1/2-inch in length.


Tan brown -- looks identical to the German cockroach.


This species lives primarily outdoors and is considered a nuisance pest as it seldom breeds inside homes. It is active at night and readily flies to lights on buildings where it crawls inside. It may be seen indoors during the evening, flying toward a television or other light source. Large populations can develop near buildings, so regular invasions are common where this cockroach occurs. The Asian cockroach looks identical to the German cockroach, and it can only be distinguished if seen in flight because the German cockroach cannot fly.