American Cockroach Asian Cockroach
Australian Cockroach Brown Banded Cockroach
Cuban Cockroach Florida Woods Cockroach
German Cockroach Oriental Cockroach
Smoky Brown Cockroach Surinam Cockroach
Woods Cockroach - Female Woods Cockroach - Male

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Surinam Cockroach Pycnoscelus surinamensis


Adults measure 3/4-inch in length.


Pronotum (head area) is dark brown to black, while the wings are olive green.


This species lives primarily outdoors and is considered a nuisance pest, as it does not breed inside homes. It can appear in northern states, usually in shopping malls and zoos, where it is found in atriums and potted plants carried from nurseries in Florida and other southern states. In the South, the Surinam cockroach can build large populations around structures in landscape beds where thick mulch layers, heavy ground cover and landscape timbers are present. This species does not fly.