Africanized Honeybee American Dog Tick
Bald-faced Hornet Bed Bugs
Bird Lice Bird Mite
Black-legged Tick (a.k.a. Deer Tick) Brown Dog Tick
Bumblebee Carpenter Bee
Cat Flea European Hornet
Fire Ant Honeybee
Human Head Lice Kissing Bug
Lone Star Tick Paper Wasp
Pubic (Crab) Lice Scorpion
Soft Tick Thrips
Yellow Jacket  

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Fire Ant Ssolenopsis invicta


There are many sizes of workers in the colony, ranging from 1/8-inch to almost 3/8-inch in length.


Reddish brown.


Fire ants pose a health risk to anyone venturing into areas where the ants are found. Although the vast majority of stings result only in a raised welt that may develop a white pustule, a person allergic to insect stings could experience a more serious reaction. Additionally, a person seldom receives just one sting. Rather, dozens or even hundreds of stings can be inflicted quickly on a person accidentally kneeling or standing next to or on a fire ant mound.