Africanized Honeybee American Dog Tick
Bald-faced Hornet Bed Bugs
Bird Lice Bird Mite
Black-legged Tick (a.k.a. Deer Tick) Brown Dog Tick
Bumblebee Carpenter Bee
Cat Flea European Hornet
Fire Ant Honeybee
Human Head Lice Kissing Bug
Lone Star Tick Paper Wasp
Pubic (Crab) Lice Scorpion
Soft Tick Thrips
Yellow Jacket  

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Yellow Jacket Vespula spp.


About 1/2 -to 1-inch in length.


Generally small wasps with black and yellow stripes.


Yellow jackets are social insects that live in colonies containing thousands of individuals. Colonies are usually started by a single queen in the early spring, and are very small for the first couple of months. By midsummer, a colony located on or near a house is usually large enough to become a nuisance. These wasps will aggressively attack when their nest is disturbed, and can inflict painful stings. Unlike the honeybee, which stings only one time and then dies, a single yellow jacket can sting many times. Yellow jackets are scavengers and can be beneficial when located in a wooded area or a field. Colonies located in or near a home, however, can pose a threat to the persons living in the house. When this situation is discovered, the colony or colonies should be eliminated. Because of the danger involved in treating these nests, only a professional such as Terminix should attempt to treat them. Should a colony be discovered, contact your local Terminix service professional for assistance.