Amphipod Black Vine Weevil
Box Elder Bug Caddisfly
Centipede Clover Mite
Cricket Dobsonfly
Earwig Elm Leaf Beetle
Firebrat Ground Beetle
Horntail House Centipede
Jerusalem Cricket Ladybug
Leaf-footed Bug Mayfly
Millipede Mole Cricket
Pillbug Plaster Beetle
Psocid Silverfish
Slug & Snail Sowbug
Springtail Stink Bug
Stonefly Strawberry Root Weevil

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Caddisfly Order Trichoptera


Varies from 1/16 inch to 1 inch in length, depending on the species.


Brown to black


Caddisflies are slender, elongated insects with hairy, almost moth-like wings that they hold tent-like over the abdomen. They have long, thread-like antennae, usually as long as the body. Caddisflies are important insects in freshwater ecosystems where they breed in streams, ponds and lakes, serving as food for a wide variety of aquatic animals, especially fish. The adults of a particular species emerge from the water at about the same time, sometimes forming clouds of insects over the water. These adults are strongly attracted to lights on buildings located near waterways, thereby becoming “pests” at times. More commonly, one or two caddisfly adults accidentally fly into a home where the homeowner then mistakes them for moths and may become concerned.