Amphipod Black Vine Weevil
Box Elder Bug Caddisfly
Centipede Clover Mite
Cricket Dobsonfly
Earwig Elm Leaf Beetle
Firebrat Ground Beetle
Horntail House Centipede
Jerusalem Cricket Ladybug
Leaf-footed Bug Mayfly
Millipede Mole Cricket
Pillbug Plaster Beetle
Psocid Silverfish
Slug & Snail Sowbug
Springtail Stink Bug
Stonefly Strawberry Root Weevil

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Centipede Class Chilopoda


Most centipedes found around buildings rarely measure longer than 2 inches. In Texas and the desert southwest, however, a couple of species can measure 6 inches or longer and may wander into homes and other buildings.


Varies depending on the species. Most are brownish or orange-brown. The large Texas species has a bluish-black body, orange-red head and yellow legs.


Centipedes are predators that live in moist areas. These nocturnal creatures hunt down insects and spiders at night. Centipedes are distinguished from millipedes in that they have only one pair of legs per body segment, while millipedes have two pairs of legs per body segment. They are seldom seen inside homes, except for the house centipede which may breed in crawl spaces and basements. The house centipede is recognized by its extremely long legs.