Amphipod Black Vine Weevil
Box Elder Bug Caddisfly
Centipede Clover Mite
Cricket Dobsonfly
Earwig Elm Leaf Beetle
Firebrat Ground Beetle
Horntail House Centipede
Jerusalem Cricket Ladybug
Leaf-footed Bug Mayfly
Millipede Mole Cricket
Pillbug Plaster Beetle
Psocid Silverfish
Slug & Snail Sowbug
Springtail Stink Bug
Stonefly Strawberry Root Weevil

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Psocid Order Psocoptera


Range in size from 1/25- to 1/13-inch


Cream colored to pale white


Most psocids live outdoors, have wings as adults, and are commonly found on or under the bark of trees. These outdoor species are known as “bark lice.” The psocids found indoors are extremely tiny and difficult to see. They are wingless and are common in moist or damp areas. They are known as “book lice” because they are often found in association with old books stored in damp conditions such as in a basement. Unlike true lice, however, psocids do not bite and are harmless. Psocids feed primarily on microscopic molds; therefore they need to live in moist situations where such molds can grow. They can be found in most buildings, but are rarely seen in homes as pests. Homeowners, however, may occasionally capture one and ask a pest professional to identify it.