Amphipod Black Vine Weevil
Box Elder Bug Caddisfly
Centipede Clover Mite
Cricket Dobsonfly
Earwig Elm Leaf Beetle
Firebrat Ground Beetle
Horntail House Centipede
Jerusalem Cricket Ladybug
Leaf-footed Bug Mayfly
Millipede Mole Cricket
Pillbug Plaster Beetle
Psocid Silverfish
Slug & Snail Sowbug
Springtail Stink Bug
Stonefly Strawberry Root Weevil

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Earwig Order Dermaptera


About 1 inch long.


Dark brown.


Earwigs are omnivores that will catch and eat other insects. Long-term relief from these insects is achieved by finding and treating the harborages outside from which the home will be invaded. The experience of a professional company such as Terminix is helpful in situations where large numbers of earwigs are present.