Body is usually less than 1/2-inch in length, but up to one inch in larger species.
The crab spider’s color varies, but most species are brown. Some are brightly colored in yellow, green or even pink, depending on the type of flower they frequent.
Crab spiders are passive hunters that ambush their prey. These spiders wait patiently on plants and flowers for flies, bees, butterflies and other insects to visit, and then they pounce upon the unsuspecting insect.
These spiders prefer to stay outside; they are rarely seen inside. On occasion a single spider will wander into a building searching for prey, or it could be carried inside in potted plants or fresh cut flowers.
Crab spiders are not dangerous and are not considered a “home pest.” If you find a single crab spider indoors, you can easily capture and release it. Place a cup over the spider and then slide a piece of paper underneath to trap it within the cup. Turn the cup over while holding the paper tightly over the top. Take the spider outdoors to release it.