Black Widow Spider Brown Recluse Spider
Cellar Spider Crab Spider
Domestic House Spider Funnelweb Spider
Garden Spider Ground Spider
Hobo Spider House Spider
Jumping Spider Spiny-backed Orb Weaver Spider
Tarantula Wolf Spider
Yellow Sac Spider  

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Hobo Spider Tegenaria agrestis


Measures up to 3/4-inch in length and has a leg span measuring more than one and a half inches.


Brownish gray with a number of various markings.


Hobo spiders are funnel-web spiders, meaning they construct flat webs which have a funnel-shaped retreat at one end. The females spend most of their lives in the webs while the males and immature spiders may wander about in search of females or better nesting sites. If a spider should wander into shoes, clothing or beneath covers, it puts itself into potential contact with people. If a person accidentally traps the spider against his or her skin, the spider bites out of defensive reflex. Unfortunately, the hobo spider's bite may result in an ulcerating wound similar to that of the brown recluse spider. Allowing the bite to become infected only increases the potential skin damage. Any person receiving any perceived spider bite should consult a physician for treatment.