Black Widow Spider Brown Recluse Spider
Cellar Spider Crab Spider
Domestic House Spider Funnelweb Spider
Garden Spider Ground Spider
Hobo Spider House Spider
Jumping Spider Spiny-backed Orb Weaver Spider
Tarantula Wolf Spider
Yellow Sac Spider  

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Domestic House Spider Tegenaria domestica


May measure up to one inch in length with a leg span up to two inches.


Brownish gray with a number of various markings.


Domestic house spiders are funnel-web spiders, meaning they construct flat webs which have a funnel shaped retreat at one end. The females spend most of their lives in the webs, while the males and immature spiders may wander about in search of females or better nesting sites. It is usually these males or young spiders that are seen by homeowners. Unlike the hobo spider, which resembles this spider, the domestic house spider does not have a dangerous bite.