Black Widow Spider Brown Recluse Spider
Cellar Spider Crab Spider
Domestic House Spider Funnelweb Spider
Garden Spider Ground Spider
Hobo Spider House Spider
Jumping Spider Spiny-backed Orb Weaver Spider
Tarantula Wolf Spider
Yellow Sac Spider  

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House Spider Family Theridiidae


The body ranges up to 3/8-inch in length, with a spherical abdomen.


Typically brown or tan with various markings.


House spiders are responsible for most of the cobwebs seen inside buildings. Cobwebs are actually old webs that have collected dirt such that they become easily visible. The spiderlings float, or "balloon," on tiny strands of silk onto buildings from wooded areas or fields. Once on the building they construct webs outside or crawl inside to find a suitable web site. Flying insects make up most of their diet, so these spiders are most common around windows and doorways.