Black Widow Spider Brown Recluse Spider
Cellar Spider Crab Spider
Domestic House Spider Funnelweb Spider
Garden Spider Ground Spider
Hobo Spider House Spider
Jumping Spider Spiny-backed Orb Weaver Spider
Tarantula Wolf Spider
Yellow Sac Spider  

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Funnelweb Spider Family Agelenidae


The funnelweb spider has a body that is usually 1/2-inch to one inch in length.


Most species are brown in color. They usually have darker stripes on the cephalothorax (head region).


The funnelweb spider’s web is easily recognizable, consisting of a large, flat horizontal web at the end of which is a silken funnel. The spider sits in the funnel waiting for prey to become ensnared in the web. The spider will venture out, subdue the prey and then feed. If the web is disturbed, the funnel is open at the opposite end permitting the spider to escape.