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Yellow Sac Spider  

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Yellow Sac Spider Cheiracanthium inclusum


About 1/4-inch in length.


Pale yellowish-green.


This spider belongs to a family of spiders known for resting in a small silken retreat or sac during the day. The yellow sac spider is a nighttime hunter which feeds on small insects and possibly even other spiders. As they wander about in search of prey they sometimes crawl onto people sitting on a couch or lying in bed. The spider may then bite the person one or more times. The yellow sac spider likely accounts for more bites on people than any spider in the United States. Fortunately, the venom of this spider produces minimal effects. The bite usually forms a hard, reddened area that may measure from one inch to several inches in diameter, depending on the individual's reaction to the venom. A white pustule typically forms at the bite site. Although the wound does not become ulcerating, it should be cleansed and disinfected. Any person receiving any perceived spider bite should consult a physician for treatment.